Neighborhood Hustle: Real Estate Investing eBooks Course, Contracts, & Scripts

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I'm No GURU! But over the past 4 years I have been successful at implementing a strategy in Real Estate I never even knew was possible. Almost everyone I know has some interest in real estate, but believe you have to have some type of certification or a lot of money to get started. I'll admit I thought the same thing!

Over the years I have learned multiple strategies to get started in Real Estate with little to no money or using other people's money. This has been very beneficial to me entering the real estate market as a investor. I've documented almost everything I know and put in these books, although some knowledge is situational based these books will give you an understanding and starting point. Within these quick read ebooks you will understand a method called wholesaling; selling your contractual rights as well as understand how to do Fix and Flips like HGTV shows using other people's money. Also a ebook that gives you a Blueprint to finding deals and Marketing to turn into a huge profit of making. **Bonus Supporting documents to understand leads and Sellers Rationality**

3 Course eBooks $150 Value

  • Vol. 1: Real Estate Little To No Money Needed
  • Vol. 2: Real Estate Flipping Using Other People's Money
  • Vol. 3: Real Estate Blue Print  To Finding a Deal Effort vs. Ease

Contracts: $300 value

  • Seller Purchase Agreement
  • Buyer Assignment Contract
  • Memorandums & Liens
  • *No watermark Ready To Use*

Call Scripts $75 Value

Scripts that we use to generate 6 Figures a year Talking to Sellers

  • Cold Call Script
  • EZ Script
  • Virtual Acquisitions Script

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Neighborhood Hustle: Real Estate Investing eBooks Course, Contracts, & Scripts

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